domingo, 12 de junio de 2016

A fun way to learn English (TV series in English)

I recommend you to watch HEROES (science fiction) and the KILLING (thriller). It is cool!!!
Also, THE TUDORS (British history about Henry VIII who married six times).

As films, FROZEN hahahaha!! You can also use subtitles in different languages and see all of them at the same time.


jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016

Relative pronouns

Calendario de exámenes finales

Inglés Recuperación verbos irregulares y foto para 
describir y contrastar------------------------------------------------------ 30 de mayo

- Repasar estructuras para comparar.
- Uso de WHEREAS (mientras que)
- Comparatives 

In the first picture, there is ....................... whereas in the second picture, there is ..........................

Inglés examen final ---------------------------------------------------------  2 de junio

- Revision (Present simple, continuous; Past simple, continuous; Future tenses; Modal Verbs)
- Comparatives and superlatives
- Relative pronouns
- Revision vocabulary

Francés examen final---------------------------------------------------------- 8 de junio

- Présent simple (verbes reguliers et irreguliers)
- Passé composé
- Imparfait
- Futur simple et futur proche
- Les prépositions pour décrire une image

Farewell party to Ryne!